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Valley Christian Summer Soccer Camp - Day 2

Day two of the Valley Christian Soccer camp went great, even though it was a little hotter!


The theme of the day was passing, and receiving a pass, and here are the key coaching points to remember from day 2!


  • When you deliver a pass to a teammate, include "what they have" by saying "turn, back, man-on" etc.

  • A players first touch is considered by most as the most important part of their game.  Focus on your dexterity on the ball in training.

  • When you cross a ball, get your hips around.

  • Lava is bad.

  • When you head a ball, remember that you head the ball, the ball doesn't head you!  Remember Donny's pizza.

  • You don't knee a ball, you bring a ball down with your thigh (basket of eggs).

  • Pass & move, and know where you'll play the ball before it gets to you.

Make sure that you hydrate tonight, and come tomorrow with water.  If you ran out today, bring more!


Photos from today's session can be found here!


Tomorrow's theme...More passing, and we'll start incorporating dribbling the ball!


Don't worry, Thursday will be shooting the entire day!


Also, please note that San Jose Earthquakes' star goalkeeper, Joe Cannon, will be joining our camp on Thursday for 1 hour.  If you have any Earthquakes things you'd like to get signed, feel free to bring them.


To read more about Joe, click here.




