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VC Soccer: Summer Camp Returns!

After a great turnout last year (40 campers), the boy's soccer program is looking to build on the successes with the 2008 version.  The camp is open to boys ages 6th grade - 12th grade, and runs from July 21st - July 25th. 


The camp will feature the Valley Christian coaching staff, including John Basanese and Donny Fugate, plus a number of guest coaches, and at least one surprise guest!  We will also have some give aways again this year.  This time, they'll be from the San Jose Earthquakes!


The coaching staff will focus teaching on fundamentals, ball skills, passing, finishing, defending, and goalkeeping.   Each day will consist of a skill theme, drills, and playing soccer.  The mission of our camp is to teach the game to the campers, regardless of their level.


Each day photos will be taken at camp, and posted, along with a recap of the day's activities, on the website.  For an example of a recap, go here.


For returning VC Soccer players on varsity and JV, this is a great chance for us to touch base during the summer.  It really benefits our program to have this time during the summer, so please do everything you can to sign up, and attend!


You DO NOT have to be a student at Valley Christian to attend this camp, so inviting friends is definitely encouraged. 


Details: July 21- 25, 9am - Noon daily.


For a registration form, and to register, click here.


Questions?  Email John@vcsoccer.com 


